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Mary Cate Cone

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    All About Galentine’s Day

    All About Galentine's Day


    Move over Valentine’s Day, there’s a new holiday that is even better – Galentine’s Day! Like how Valentine’s celebrates romantic relationships, Galentine’s celebrates strong friendships between women and girls. It’s a day for the friends who stick by your side as relationships come and go, for you and your gals to have fun without the stress of having a Valentine. And, most importantly, there is lots of PINK!

    “Galentine’s Day” originates from a Parks and Recreation episode, where Amy Poehler’s character, Leslie Knope, celebrates her own Galentine’s Day. Technically, the fake holiday falls on February 13th, but Galentine’s is celebrated all around February 14th. So, grab your friends and throw yourselves a Galentine’s party!

    Here are some celebration ideas:

    • Flower Arranging

    Before the party, visit your local flower shop and purchase a variety of good-looking flowers! Then, invite your friends over, get some cute vases, and host a flower-arranging party! This is a perfect way to celebrate friendships while learning a new skill. Not to mention, you get a beautiful party favor to take home!

    • Favorite Things

    Gather a group of friends and have each person buy a small gift (one of your Favorite Things) for three other people. Then, after a gift swap, each person will go home with three new small gifts! Some gift ideas are favorite makeup products, jewelry, candles, or anything you love and think your friends would enjoy.

    • Murder Mystery

    Or, you can go the route of hosting a murder mystery party! You may purchase a premade game or design your own! Assign or have people choose their characters ahead of time so that when they attend the party, they can be in costume! This is a unique way to spend time with your friends, creating lasting memories for years to come.

    • Arcade/Amusement Center

    Go on a field trip to your local arcade or amusement center! When with your friends, these places can be tons of fun! Challenges can bring out your competitive side and also encourage teamwork. It’s a fun and different way to celebrate your Galentines!

    • Karaoke

    Sing your favorite songs with your favorite people! It does not matter if you can sing or not, everybody can participate in karaoke. So, grab some go-to songs, maybe sing a duet, and pretend you are Taylor Swift for the night with the comfort of your best friends!

    • Board Night

    Have each of your friends bring a board of different foods. Instead of the traditional charcuterie board, popular boards include a veggie board, a taco board, or a bread board (my personal favorite). The possibilities are endless! You and your friends can bond over tasting everybody’s different dishes and maybe try some new foods while you are at it!

    Have fun celebrating!

    So, to celebrate your friendships this February, have a Galentine’s party! After all, where would we be without our supportive friends? Let’s all show our appreciation for one another!

    Happy Galentine’s!


    Want to learn more about Galentine’s Day? Click here!