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    I Almost Got Banned from a Grocery Store When I Was Four.

    girl in grocery store with pineapples

    I ran down the aisles cautiously

    My squeaky little shoes racing past the cheese chips.

    Ran and Ran

    Up the crowded-fish tank aisle.

    My eyes sparkling with joy and flowers at the fish swarming.


    But time is ticking, my head jerks towards the rice section and

    Off I go running again

    To my right, through the meat and poultry section

    Spying on frosty frozen chicken legs

    And smelling expired eggs


    Covering my nose

    Playing the breathing game

    until I got to the candy aisle.

    Stomp! I arrived catching my breath, panting like a desperate dog.

    For strawberry chocolate-milk candy. Nothing there.


    Running again.

    To find my parents, looking left, right, and backwards

    BOOM!” Crashed into a shelf, sending shampoo and face wash over the aisle.

    Knocking the display tag unconscious, lopsided,

    Dangling like it was waving at me.


    Suddenly, a man with a tag that said “Kevin” on his shirt stood over me,

    Fidgeting with the garbage in my pocket.

    Tears started filling my eyes, “Please don’t punish me…” I said under my breath.

    Kevin said “Stop running around and stop destroying our store.

    Or you’ll be banned!”


    I nodded my head and ran to the checkout station.

    There they were, my parents were paying for mangoes, red apples, celery,

    carrots, cucumbers, cookies, Lays Chips, peaches, coffee, Coke and Sprite.

    I sighed with happiness, joyfully jumped into their arms

    knowing that they didn’t know that I almost, almost got us banned!


  • Articles, Poem, Poems

    Summer’s Bliss

    In the bright glow of summer’s light, Days are long and skies are bright, Snow cones and lemonade, Simple pleasures where memories…