Articles, Mental Health, School, Staying Healthy, Tips

Ideas For A Mental Health Day

With school starting to kick in full-gear, as well as the surrounding pressure from the coronavirus pandemic, it can be easy to succumb to feelings of anxiousness. Sometimes, a self-care day is just what we need to take a step back and breathe. Although self-care can look different for everyone, here are a few ideas on things you can incorporate for a mental-health day!

Spend time with loved ones

Whether it be through a facetime call, or in-person, spending time with friends or family can be an instant mood raiser, as it gives us the opportunity to relax from day to day tasks and simply rest in community. Having a strong support group during tough times is vital to our mental health and overall well-being, so don’t be afraid to pick up that phone and set a date!

Have a Spa day.

The effects of built-up stress and anxiety can take a great toll on our physical appearance. Somedays, spending some time to treat yourself can work wonders. And the best thing is, it’s free! There are plenty of DIY facemasks you could create, as well as bath bombs for a quality day at home.

Confide in someone you trust.

Whether that be a parent, mentor, or friend, opening up about the various aspects of stress we have been experiencing in our lives can be extremely beneficial. Built up emotions can burst at any given moment, and although at first glance it may seem tough to be vulnerable, you will feel like a heavyweight has been lifted off your shoulders once you are able to express yourself and receive some encouragement. You got this!

Do something you love.

Especially with the requirements of school, it can be easy to put our hobbies on the backburner. But spending time pursuing the things that we are passionate about can actually be a great way to relieve stress, as well as serve to help us sharpen a new skill! So don’t be afraid to set out some extra time aside to work on the things you love.

Journal Studies show that journaling is proven to help manage anxiety and reduce stress, making it a great outlet to tap into. It can be an amazing way to express your thoughts and emotions, especially when it seems like you can never find just the right words for the situation, and it can also help you identify your doubts/worries and puts them into perspective. There are a wide array of journals to choose from, including bullet journals, prayer journals, art journals, etc. That’s the beautiful thing about journaling; it’s different for everyone and you can find a way to make your journal unique and your own!

I hope that this was able to give you some ideas as to things you could do to help your mental health. However, always remember that sometimes self-care doesn’t look like spa-days and breaks. Sometimes, it can look like completing tasks that we have been putting off, or addressing issues that we know we need to fix. Essentially, self-care should be about bettering ourselves so that we can help those around us, and that includes being able to tackle the sticky stuff. Whatever your self-care day looks like for you, I pray that you may be filled with peace and strength through it. You are capable of overcoming what you are going through, and I am rooting you on.


Additional Ideas

For more ideas on how to spend a mental health day check out 3 Relaxing Ways to Spend a Mental Health Day and Why Is Self Care Important? Knowing How and When to Take a Break

Hilary Batista

Hi there! I'm a rising high school senior with a passion for writing and am very excited to be helping out with GirlSpring's teen advisory board, Springboaders.

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