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Britain Lifts Feminine Hygiene Tax

feminine hygiene products

Britain has abolished the feminine hygiene tax. This tax, also known as the “tampon tax,” is widely protested by women’s rights advocates. Treasury chief, Rishi Sunak, set to end the tax. Unfortunately, this could not be accomplished right away. The European Union has a law that views feminine hygiene products as luxury items rather than essentials. Because luxury items can not be taxed under five percent, the EU prevented the tax from being lifted.

Britain is now no longer a part of the EU. As of the first of January, the tampon tax has been lifted. 

What is the Tax?

The tampon tax refers to the tax on tampons and other feminine hygiene products. This tax equates tampons to other value-added items that require a sales tax. Those opposed to the tampon tax believe that feminine hygiene products are essential. Because these items are essential, they should have a tax exemption. To include a sales tax on tampons is to say that tampons are not essential. As all girls know, tampons and other feminine hygiene products are essential for women’s lives and sanitation. 

What Does This Mean for Women?

Since the tax has been lifted in Britain, changes have already begun. Free sanitary products have been dispersed in schools, colleges, and hospitals. Britain’s treasury has estimated that the removal of the tax will save women nearly 55 dollars (40 pounds) in their lifetimes. 

Felicia Willow is the chief of the Fawcett Society, a women’s rights charity. She says: “It’s been a long road to reach this point, but at last, the sexist tax that saw sanitary products classed as nonessential, luxury items can be consigned to the history books.”

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