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Top Reasons Why You Should Consider A Career In STEM

women in stem

A smart young woman draped in a white lab coat, rocking a pair of safety goggles and gloves, busily conducting a chemical experiment, or developing an engineering potential is a very respectable and inspirational sight to behold. How come only a few young girls consider career options in STEM? Enough research has shown that fewer girls aspire to STEM careers than boys as the gender gap continues to grow in this sector. But as technological advances continue to break new grounds, STEM for girls is becoming increasingly relevant, offering increasing opportunities for girls. So, have you ever wanted to pursue a career in STEM but hesitated? Well, here are some reasons why you should go ahead with a STEM career.


Reasons to have a career in STEM

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STEM offers better career options for you as a young girl, as it opens you up to a broader range of options and possibilities, even outside the field of science. The subjects involved in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths) promote critical thinking while boosting problem-solving skills, which are essential ingredients in any field. The science field also offers numerous options for anyone interested in STEM. For example, you can focus on specialized areas like phlebotomy from institutions like PhlebotomyU or choose from a vast range of other career options. 


Build confidence in your skills and abilities

It may sound uncomfortable, but there is a strong stereotype that girls are naturally bad at maths. While this is not true, many young girls believe the stereotype, and therefore, shy away from STEM-related subjects. There is also a strong social bias that has shaped society’s expectations for girls with respect to math and the sciences. If girls are introduced to STEM subjects from childhood, it will help them develop and build the confidence they need to challenge and succeed in this currently male-dominated sector. And this leads to the next point.


Bridging the gender gap

STEM education is the most reliable way to break gender barriers and bridge the broadening gap between men and women in the sector. Early STEM education for young girls shows that they can compete with their male counterparts and be anything they want to become concerning this sector. Thankfully, many academic institutions and governments worldwide are beginning to take significant measures to ensure that girl enrolment and participation in this sector are improved. That should serve as a good source of motivation for any young girl with the dream of establishing a successful career in the industry.


Investing in the future

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Reasons to Pursue a STEM Career

The world always has more than enough room for problem solvers. Every field of endeavor requires people capable of using science and technology to offer solutions to problems and provide more straightforward ways of doing things. Inventors are currently leading the world, and encouraging young girls to take up this challenge is one of the best ways to invest in their future. STEM is a problem-solving field with solutions that can cut across all aspects of life.


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