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Stuff to Do in the Summer Before College

Photo by Athena from Pexels

The transition period from high school to college can be as scary as it can be exciting. That is why it is often a good idea to take the summer before you head off for college to really prepare for the coming experience and get yourself into the right headspace.

With that in mind, here are a few important things you should do in the summer before college:


Submit any late scholarship applications

If there are any college scholarship applications that you have not gotten around to filing, and you are still eligible to do so, then making sure you know how to apply for college scholarships effectively, and filing those last submissions is something you should definitely do before the semester starts to give you the best possible financial start at school.


Review the academic syllabus

It’s also a really good idea to review the academic content that you will be expected to study once you are enrolled in college. This will help to ensure that you are familiar with the subject matter so that when you get to school in the fall it will be far less of a shock to the system, and you will be able to hit the ground running, academically speaking.

Of course, you should also do as much of the recommended summer reading as you can for exactly the same reasons.


Shop for supplies

You are going to be leaving home and taking up dorm life in no time at all, so of course, you are going to need a few supplies to ensure that you can be as comfortable as possible in college. Take some time out to go shopping and get everything you need from bedding to a mini-fridge and ensure that your dorm is as comfy and home-like as possible.


Get a job

Getting a part-time job in the summer is a really positive thing to do. Not only will it help to sharpen your work ethic and give you something to put on your resume, but it will also help you earn money that will be invaluable when you get to college and need to start paying some of your own expenses for the first time.


Go to orientation

Most colleges have an orientation period in the summer, where freshmen can come along and explore the campus and see how everything works. Attending, if you are able to do so, is always a positive experience because it means that you aren’t thrown in at the deep end on the first day of college. It can make the whole process a lot less disorientating for you.


Have fun

Of course, it’s also important that you take the time to enjoy the freedom you have between the end of high school and the beginning of college. The summer before you head off to school should be filled with lots of fun times with friends and family members before you head out on your own too. So, take plenty of time to make memories.

Have a great summer!

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