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Going to College & Missing your Mom

The Change of Going to College

This past weekend I had to say another goodbye to my mom; and let me tell you, it never gets easier. Being a junior in college, I figured it would’ve gotten easier by now, but it wasn’t. Maybe I’m just feeling emotional because I wrote this on her birthday, regardless, but sometimes I wish I could go back to the days where I didn’t have to call my mom to hear her warm, inviting voice, while before, I could simply walk into the next room whenever I wanted to talk or simply annoy her with my presence.

Missing My Mom

I’ve always known that I wanted to move away from my hometown, and consequently my family as well, but despite that knowledge, my mom has always been my best friend. I understood that moving away from her was probably going to be the toughest part of college, but I wish that I’d appreciated moments with her a little more.

What Moms Are For

Last weekend, my mom drove 16 hours in total, only to spend 24 hours with me. Crazy, right? Every minute was worth it. Between catching up and spending time with her, however short or long, meant more to me than any distance ever could.

In every aspect of life, if something becomes routine and expected, it begins to lose its significance. We really only appreciate the sunlight after it’s been pouring for weeks on end. And thus, we really only appreciate the habitual school-year-routine after the summer has ended, when we’ve been stuck at home with nothing to do.

Moms are similar.

The Habitual Love of Moms

When you wake up in the same house as them everyday, eat breakfast with them, ride in the car with them, chat with them and confide in them with daily worries, it’s easy to lose sight of just how amazing and special our moms are. It seems as if she’s always going to be there; well, she is, and more importantly, she wants to be.

Sometimes we take the presence of our moms for granted.

Never Downplay a Mother’s Love

If you’re still living with your mom, walk in the other room and give her a big hug. If you’re like me and you’re living on your own; having already reached the same conclusion, give her a call and tell her how much you love her (trust me, it’ll make her day).

Cherish every single moment you have with your mom. You may not realize it now, or maybe you simply don’t believe me, but there will come a time in your young adult life when you wish you could have spent more time with her, if only for a few hours.

Make the most of your time with her and don’t forget to reach out, no matter how far you go!


Click here to see how you can prepare yourself for going off to college from Girl Spring contributor Lauren!


Shannon Angel is studying at the University of Alabama and is doing an internship this semester at GirlSpring.

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