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How to Prepare for College

So, you just got accepted into the college of your choice and you’re probably thinking, what now?

This is exactly what I was thinking when I got accepted to the University of Alabama. I had no idea how to prepare myself for such a huge transition. Today, I am going to be telling you what I have learned since coming to college in the fall. Below are tips I wish someone had told me before I moved into college for the first time.

Be Comfortable Living on Your Own.

My first piece of advice is to learn how to be alone. I know that once you’ve been accepted into college it’s exciting to be on your own for the first time, but trust me it comes with an important responsibility. I find I get lonely living on my own, even with roommates. Also, I sometimes have anxiety when I walk to class or get food on campus.

One important thing you have to learn is how to be okay with being by yourself. It is completely normal to take some time to adjust to this new lifestyle and work on becoming comfortable in a brand new area with so many new faces. Give yourself time to adjust to living in a dorm on campus; it is a huge lifestyle difference from living at home.

Creating a Schedule can Benefit you in Many Ways.

Another step I suggest is to make yourself a schedule. Having a daily schedule as you did in high school helps to maintain a routine within your life, and can also make you more comfortable with going out of your dorm. In my fall semester of freshman year, I did not have a regular schedule, I was not consistent with going to classes, I got caught up in the social aspect of college, and it was reflected in my mental health and grades.

This semester, I have completely changed that. I now have a schedule so I wake up around the same time each day of the school week and work on assignments on time. When picking classes, I suggest making one that works the best for you. If you are a morning person, take early morning classes. If not, choose the class that starts after 10:30 am.

Control How Much Time you are Spending Going Out.

That brings me to another tip. Do your best to not get sucked into a partying lifestyle. Try to not make it a priority to go to parties. Going out on the weekends and going to social events are great ways to make friends. Join clubs or Greek life so you can have scheduled social events. Focusing too much on partying will harm your grades and isn’t healthy for you in the long run.

With college, you can go out any day of the week because you are on your own, but that doesn’t make it okay. I promise you will still have fun even if you limit going out to only Friday and Saturday night; it makes it that much better to save it for the weekends. This is so important because I’ve seen it happen to so many kids this past semester. They get too caught up in the party scene, and it causes them to lose focus on their academics. Don’t let that be you. College is a privilege, and you have a new set of responsibilities with this change in your life.

Join Clubs to Meet New People.

Like I mentioned earlier, Greek life and clubs are great options to get involved. Becoming involved is essential in meeting people with similar interests as you. Joining Greek life at my school gave me so many amazing friends that I will cherish for my entire life. Finding your people at college only helps you that much more in having a great experience.

On-campus, they have many opportunities to join clubs. There are student organizations for every hobby and cause possible. It is easy to find a niche of people who like the same things you do. Rushing a sorority or fraternity is not for everyone, but if this is something you are comfortable taking a part in, it is another way to make friends.

Have Fun.

College is an amazing new time in your life, and it is great to get out of your comfort zone, so try new things, and meet new friends. This experience is about what you want it to be; this is the time to be true to yourself and do anything you want. In high school, you might have found it difficult to be confident in yourself, but college is the place where you can start over and be the real you. Become the person you have always wanted to be, now is your chance. Congratulations on getting into college, and if you’re still looking I hope you find the perfect school.

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us a message on the website.


For more help before and during college, visit our College section of the website. If you are still applying to colleges and want some extra help, read our recent article “Easy tips to Ease your College Application Process.”

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