
Movie Review: US

Movie Review: US

Movie Review: Us

Movie Review: US

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

  • Plot: 9/10
    • Us starts off in the 1980s, where a young girl wanders off from her parents and finds herself in a house of mirrors. She meets her doppelganger and is never the same after that terrifying experience. However, years later, her doppelganger, along with everyone else’s, comes back to kill them with an end goal. Although a little confusing at times, the plot was thought-provoking and very thrilling. 
  • Director/Producer- 10/10
    • Jordan Peele is no doubt a genius. After his big hit, “Get Out,” Us is an even more impressive production. Jordan Peele uses symbolism and movies to portray the issues our society faces; issues such as racism and unequal privileges. Beware of some crazy plot twists!
  • Theme/Message- 9.5/10
    • After watching many youtube video explanations, the message becomes clear as this movie reveals the unequal privileges of society through a cloning experience gone wrong. 

100% recommend this movie! It is terrifying and thrilling all at once!

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Ariel Zhou

Ariel is a student at Vestavia Hills High School and a member of the Springboarders program.

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