Articles,, Goals, High School, Keeping Busy, Opinion, Tips

Girl Money

From your girl who just graduated college this past May, I’m going to share with you all some advice that I wish I had followed sooner.

Money. Make it girl, and make sure to save it.

Lesson Learned

  1. Don’t be like me and start getting a job when you’re already 21. I waited too long to get a job because of my social anxiety and not taking my future into consideration. So here’s 15 of the Best Jobs you can get as a teenager in high school (I highly recommend you do so early).
  2. Start saving money now, but follow the 90:10 OR the 80:20 rule; save 80-90% of your earnings and save the other 10-20% to spend!
  3. NEVER let the job weigh more than your education and mental health. If you have the time to take on more hours or work the weekend shift, by all means, take it! Employers often take advantage of your free time and willingness to work, so be mindful of this.
  4. For smaller jobs in high school, use sites like Indeed and Handshake (for college).
  5. For big girl jobs to earn that girl money, use sites like LinkedIn, ZipRecruiter, and Glassdoor!
  6. Most of all, have fun and make friends at work! Having coworkers to talk to builds social interaction and makes work go by a lot faster and is way more enjoyable.

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  • Juhi Arora

    Great advice that I will keep in mind!

    November 26, 2023 at 6:57 pm
  • mengzhen

    Thank you so much for this advice! I definitely needed that part about saving money (I am very impulsive).

    December 10, 2023 at 6:24 pm
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