Articles, Health, Healthy Eating

How Can Young Women Feel Comfortable at the Gym?

Women at Gym

Going to the gym can be very daunting for women of any age, but especially young women. Many people feel self-conscious about working out in public and they worry about being approached by strangers who could potentially be dangerous. 

Women at Gym

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This causes a lot of women to avoid the gym because they feel uncomfortable but that’s such a shame. There are a lot of amazing benefits to exercise and young women shouldn’t have to miss out because they don’t feel comfortable in the gym. If you are struggling with this issue, here are a few things you can do to help. 

Find The Right Gym

If you’re at the gym for the first time, then it’s very important that you feel comfortable in your surroundings. Finding the right gym is key because they vary a lot. There are some great ones like Fitness 19 that are very inclusive and have a family-friendly feel to them. This is a much better option than a gym that is more aimed at bodybuilders or something like that. Take notice of the number of women there and try to find somewhere that has a good mix of people so it isn’t intimidating. Make sure you pick somewhere with friendly, helpful staff that make you feel at ease too.  

Work Out With A Friend

This is a great option for several reasons. Obviously, it’s always better to work out with people you know because you can chat and distract each other from the fact that you’re working hard. Plus if there is ever an issue, you can help each other out. But more importantly than this, having someone else there will make you feel less self-conscious about your workouts too. When you’re exercising with a friend, you’ll find that you push much harder and get more out of your exercise

Avoid Late Night Workouts

There are more 24-hour gyms opening up but you should be careful about doing late-night workouts. There will be fewer people around and only one or two members of staff working there, so you will not feel as safe and comfortable working out. You will find it a lot better during the day when there are plenty of people around and you can get on with your workout without worrying.

Report Suspicious Behavior

The gym should be a safe space for everybody and there is no place for intimidating behavior. If you do notice that somebody is approaching women and making them feel uncomfortable or they are behaving in a way that makes you feel unsafe, you should report it right away. The staff at the gym can deal with the problem and make the space safer for everybody. Even if it’s something small, you should always trust your gut and just report it if you think that something isn’t right. 


Going to the gym can be very daunting and a lot of women feel uncomfortable about it. However, if you keep these important tips in mind, you can keep up with your exercise routine without worrying about it. 

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