Articles, Goals, Mental Health, Poem, Poems, Stress

Poem: Second Semester

second semester


you know that feeling

when you realize that half the school year is gone

and you are no longer a newbie student,

too fresh in your new grade

to take on the title of your year,

but that you truly are a senior?


it happens the January of second semester,

a quaint, harrowing realization that time flies.


course selection rolls around

for the upcoming year,

for the future collection of tired minds

who will take your place.


i will not select my courses the January of second semester,

a quaint, harrowing realization that time flies.


flyers adorn the halls,

searching for minds in want of further extension

but not in need,

advertising meetings of interest, 


application deadlines.

they ask if i will apply.


i deny their requests the January of second semester,

a quaint, harrowing realization that time flies.


the realization has come upon me that i really, truly am leaving.

growing up.



time flies.


To learn more about what to do after high school, click here.

To read more about high school experiences and how to deal with stress, click here.


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