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  • Articles, Food, Poem, Poems, Writing

    A Relationship With Food

    My biggest enemy keeps my alive

    once my friend so comforting and sweet, now my enemy never missing a chance to torture me

    knowing my heart and soul, it always knows where to hit me hardest.

    its “calming” touch leaving me writhing against pins and needles

    Even when its gone it’ll always find a way to influence my decisions, it’s whispers lapping at my ear

    “how long will i entertain it?”, “how long can i go without it?”, “when will I need it again?”

    Its presence a pain but its absence just as terrifying

    because once it’s gone there’s emerged a new character whose damages even more permanent then the last.

  • Articles, Food, Poem

    Poem: Thanksgiving

     Thanksgiving:   A moment of delight My state of euphoria Family, my family Laughter, our laughter Food, going for more after One…