Articles,, Keeping Busy, Staying Healthy

Summer Plans in COVID-19

Teen making plans for the summer.

Updated June 8, 2021. From the editors: Summer 2021 might be better, but we may have to stick to our pandemic routines just a little longer! We loved the advice from this article!

At this point in the pandemic, we all know that summer 2020 is probably not going to look like how we thought it would. I’m still holding out hope that eventually we will be able to do some regular summer activities, but for now, there is no way to predict when the world will go back to normal. Although I’m sad at the prospect of maybe not being able to hang out with friends, go on trips, or eat at restaurants this summer, I’ve been focusing on what I can do, and trying to make plans that are within my control.

Plan #1: Write for GirlSpring!

I am so excited to be writing for GirlSpring this summer! Since I can’t get a usual summer job like I have in the past—I have waitressed at a pizza restaurant for two years and before that I worked at our local ice cream shop—I have a lot more time on my hands. Brainstorming ideas for articles and honing my writing skills will not only give me something to do this summer, but I get to contribute to a wonderful online community. Also, it gives me a creative outlet to express my ideas!

Plan #2: Intern with Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson

The second thing I will be doing this summer is participating in the remote summer internship for a grassroots non-profit based in Poughkeepsie, NY called Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson. This is a fantastic organization that fights for social justice in the Hudson Valley and every year works on multiple campaigns. Some of the things they are fighting for right now include immigration justice, civil engagement and voter registration, and utility justice. I am psyched to be working with them because this type of social justice work is what I want to do post-graduation, so it will give me some experience in the field and allow me to dedicate my time to creating change. I encourage anyone in need of something to do to find ways to volunteer and help out in your community!

Plan #3: Be Creative

I hope to use some of my time this summer to pursue the creative activities that I always wish I could do, and never have time for in my usual busy schedule. I am a singer-songwriter, and I probably won’t be able to perform much this summer due to venues being closed, but I can use the down time to write more music. I’ve also been exploring painting! I’ve discovered that watercolor is hard but I love painting flowers. Cooking is another fun activity that I don’t usually get to do, especially living in a dorm room, so I’ve been taking advantage of this time at home to look up recipes and experiment in the kitchen. This is a great time to try something that you may not have done before or might not be good at, because it doesn’t matter as long as it’s fun for you!

Plan #4: Go Easy On Myself

With all the social media craze surrounding quarantine and how everybody is filling their time, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and feel like you’re not doing enough. It’s important to remember that everybody is different, and taking care of yourself and your health, both physical and mental, should be first priority. Having fun or being productive may look different for me than it does for somebody else. And you don’t have to have fun or be productive every day! We are living through an incredibly stressful and taxing time, and it is something that literally nobody who is alive now has experienced in their lifetime. Remember to be kind to yourself and do what you need to stay sane. For me, that’s making plans and focusing on the things I can control. Take the time you need to figure out what works for you!

Check out more summer activity articles by GirlSpring contributors!

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