
Five Spring Break Essentials

The best season of the year is approaching: spring break! Spring Break is finally here. Spring Break comes with a lot of preparation, so here are 5 spring break essentials! 

1. Bathing Suits: 

Bathing suits can be expensive, so it’s vital to find a reliable swimsuit company that is also affordable. My top recommendation for bathing suits is aerie.

2. Sunscreen:

 We all want to have fun, but we have to remember to also stay safe. I know that I am one to lay out in the sun and tan, but I always make sure to put on sunscreen. Sunscreen can come in several different forms such as spray, stick, and chapstick.

3. Confidence: 

The pressure from society to fit a certain standard regarding body shapes is canceled and will no longer be a factor in deciding outfits or bathing suits. EVERY BODY IS A SPRING BREAK BODY! Have fun and don’t let society’s unrealistic standards tell you what you can and can’t do.

4. A good book: 

Books are a great way to pass time in the car ride down to the beach or on an airplane to visit your family. Finding a good book to read for Spring Break will make you feel productive. Bookstores that I recommend are Barnes and Noble and Books-A-Million. They have plenty of books in every genre so hopefully, you will find the book for you. Check out some of our faves in “I’m Reading 22 Books in 2022, Here’s Why.”

5. Disposable camera: 

You will want to capture all the amazing moments during Spring Break, so a camera is perfect for capturing memories. Disposable cameras are found at CVS and Walgreens. 

Whatever you decide to pack, make sure you bring a good attitude, have fun, and be safe!

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