Articles, School, Sheroes, Woman's History

Back To School – Women’s Education

Back To School – Women’s Education

In honor of back to school, I thought it would be nice to put things in the overall big picture of women’s education.

See, education for women is actually pretty new, if you take a look at history.

Even today it isn’t universal. We still have women campaigning for the right to an education in their country, such as Malala Yousafszi.

Unfortunately, we don’t always get the names of the wonderful women from years past who fought for our right to learn. So — get ready for some fantastic women who helped fight for women’s education in the U.S.

First up, we have Patsy Mink.

When Mink was unable to go to law school and unable to get a job (both on the basis for being a woman), she dove into politics and worked hard and long for Title IX. After Title IX passed, opportunities in education opened up to millions of women in the United States.

Fun Fact Patsy Mink was the first woman of color elected to Congress.

Secondly, there’s Fanny Jackson Coppin. After Coppin was freed from slavery, she became one of the first women of color to earn a college degree. She then worked for 40 years as a principal at the Institute for Colored Youth in Philadelphia. As the Civil War came to an end, Coppin made it her life’s goal and mission to education many former slaves that were migrating to the north. Her work was some of the very beginning in the fight for equal education.

Last, but definitely not least, is the Catholic Nuns. Catholic Nuns, through their education programs, moved millions of poor immigrants into the middle class. They were (and are still considered to be) the educators of the marginalized. They pushed women towards higher education, ran a nationwide system of schools, and had an overall enormous impact on education in the United States.


Thanks to these people, women’s education has really taken off, and we have the opportunities today that wouldn’t have even been a dream 100 years ago. Clearly, this is not the end of the list. So many women have helped campaign for women’s education worldwide; too many people to name.

So — keep these women in mind as you collect your books and pack your bag. Education Equality has come a long way; we sure have a lot to be grateful for!


Want to read more about people that helped women’s education ? –

Women’s History Month: These Female Trailblazers Changed American Education For You and Your Kids. Do You Know Their Names?


Margo is a student at Homewood High School and a member of the Springboarders teen leadership program.

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