
3 Ways you can Regain Your Power

3 ways You Can Regain Your Power

3 Ways you can Regain Your Power

 Being a teen is hard. As well as studying for exams, you have to deal with finding out who you are amongst the clamor of peer pressure both in the classroom and online. Add to this the uncertainties and worries of the present age, and it’s no wonder that anxiety in teens is increasing at an alarming rate. You might even have turned to destructive behavior to help you to cope. However, here are three ways that you can regain your power, helping you feel strong and in control of negative situations in the future.

  1. Exercise

Everyone knows the health benefits of regular exercise: it improves your fitness level, helping to prevent the development of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. However, did you know that regular exercise also helps to improve your mental health? When you exercise, the brain releases mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins. If you’re haunted by the memory of embarrassing gym classes, the trick is to find a form of exercise that you enjoy. If you prefer the camaraderie of team sports, join your local soccer or softball team, or even dance troupe. Or you might prefer to exercise alone, in which case swimming, running, or a gym workout would be a good option for you. Whatever form of exercise you choose, there is nothing quite like the feeling of mental and physical strength you get after completing a workout.


  1. Tackle addiction issues

Being a teen is a time for rebellion and pushing against boundaries set by caregivers and society. However, this could establish a pattern of destructive habits and behavior resulting in addiction issues. Perhaps the first addictions that spring to mind are drug and alcohol-related, but gaming and social media addictions are becoming increasing problems in teens. Whether you are struggling with substance or technology addiction issues, addictions can have a hugely detrimental effect on your life, health, and relationships. Therefore, they should be addressed by professionals at a teen rehab center or a women’s alcohol recovery program.  Here, as well as receiving a detox (both substance and social media), you will be given the tools to understand how your addiction started and how you can stop it from recurring in the future.


  1. Educate yourself

With the unsettled nature of our current reality, the world can seem like a scary place. While the temptation might be to escape from reality with Marvel films and re-runs of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, you should try and balance escapism with education. Books, newspapers, documentaries, classes are great choices; remember, education is everywhere if you know where to look. For instance, you might want to work your way through a reading list. However, make sure you choose reputable sources — this is the age of fake news, after all. If you have a curious mind and want to learn as much as you can about the world, you will not only better understand what you see around you, but have the tools and personal power to help make the world a better place.


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